Left Coast Media
Left Coast Media is a podcast collective from the Left Coast. We're largely anarchic leftists from the Best Coast and beyond, and a part of the Critical Mediations network. CONNECT WITH USFollow the collective on twitter at @leftpod!SUPPORT USOur work is supported by our patreon subscribers. You can become a supporter by visiting https://patreon.com/leftcoastmedia <3
47 episodes
North Bae 025 - Autism and Anti-Ableism
Rrrrn and Tiberius sit down with local anti-ableist organizer Garrett Winters to discuss issues within both the left and society in general as they relate to how we treat the disabled among us and how we can overcome this. For those who want to...
Episode 25

North Bae 024 - DSA Internal Medicine
Time for some Inside Baseball, comrades, as Sauce and Tiberius are joined by guest Valerie Sinclair (https://twitter.com/maruchan1312) to discuss the recent DSA West Coast Regional Convention in LA and generally dive into the internal challenge...
Episode 24

North Bae 023 - With the Federal Government Shut Down Who Will Aggregate Our Dicks?
Tiberius apologizes for missing the "end" of the shutdown, but comrades Mack and Sauce had a great discussion about the shutdown, TSA peeping our junk, and how much NPR sucks with Matt and Anna from the Breadline Podcast (https://twitter.com/th...
Episode 23

North Bae 022 - The Gilet Jaunes
Emily (@snarlsdegaulle) talks to Sauce (@communalsauce) and Mack (@incarcountry) about the Gilet Jaunes protests and the political situation in France. Vive la Commune de Paris!
Episode 22

North Bae 021 - Inequality in the Crown Jewel of Global Capitalism
For something a little different, comrade Tiberius recently recorded a talk given by Geographer Richard Walker of UC Berkeley as part of his speaking tour for his latest book, Pictures of a Gone City, about the stunning growth of wealth and the...
Episode 21

Custom Reality and You
Returning from hiatus, comrade Tiberius sits down with Peter Coffin to discuss their book Custom Reality and You. Subscribe to their YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/user/petercoffin) for some fantastic video essays, and get the book in e-book or ...
Episode 20

North Bae 019 - How to Educate Radicals and Overthrow the Bourgeoisie
In what turned out to be unsurprisingly a fantastic discussion, Sauce and Tiberius speak with Breht Ó Séaghdha of Rev Left Radio (revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com/) and the Guillotine (theguillotinepodcast.libsyn.com/) about political education f...
Episode 19

North Bae 018 - Miss Us?
Just Sauce and Tiberius this week, and a discussion we thought would only fill about 15 minutes.
Check out the Nice Things podcast at @nicethingscast and https://nicethingscast.buzzsprout.com/
If you like this show, please rate and review u...

North Bae 017 - Everybody Poops, Burnout Edition
Communal Sauce takes the reigns in Tiberius' absence to dive into burnout -- what it is, how to spot it, and what to do about it -- with Leslie and Meagan (twitter.com/garbage_hime and twitter.com/MemeVVitch). Catch Meagan's podcast at https://sou...

North Bae 016 - UBI and Other Topics
Comrades Sauce and Tiberius discuss unconditional basic income with Rachel (twitter.com/nyhcmaven84)

Marx Headroom 004 - Capital Vol.1 Chapter 1
This is it, the Big Book™ of Marxism: Capital Volume 1. Tiberius Gracchus, Outer Siberia and Empress "Rosa Luxemburg" Trixana tackle sections 1 thru 3 of chapter 1, covering the labor theory of value, commodities, and money. To join the discussion...

North Bae 015 - (City) Council Communism
Comrades Tiberius and Sauce chat with Molly (twitter.com/socialistdogmom) about why she's sitting in on so many city council meetings, and how hyperlocal electoral politics is a tool in the socialist arsenal. Follow her, twitter.com/cvilledsa, and...

Marx Headroom 003 - Value Price and Profit Part 2
Part 2 of Marx's Value, Price, and Profit wherein comrades Pope, Tiberius, and Sibby cover the back half of the text, covering how what Marx has taught so far means for the worker's struggle in his time and now. Follow this episode's hosts respect...

North Bae 014 - Boycotting, Divesting, and Sanctioning
This week comrades Sauce and Tiberius are very pleased to discuss the BDS movement with the ever lovely Kumars Salehi of Delete Your Account fame

North Bae 013 - Being An Activist Reporter
The second of Tiberius's conversations with the Mendocino Voice comrades about why the left needs its own news organizations and how activists need to interact with reporters

Marx Headroom 002 - Value Price and Profit Part 1
Comrades Outer Siberia, Tiberius Gracchus, and Dan start digging into Marxism proper with Value, Price, and Profit. Find the text on the Marxist archive at https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1865/value-price-profit/ and find the hosts of ...

North Bae 012 - Help, Medic!
Comrade Sauce (twitter.com/communalsauce) speaks with the DSA Street Medic Collective's John, Eli, and Logan about the challenges and necessities of street medic training for radical movements. Help them out by funding the Bay Area and Pacific Nor...

Left Coast Bookworms - 001 Podcast in the Dark
The first of our book club series! This episode discusses Rebecca Solnit's Hope in the Dark and is hosted by comrades Communal Sauce (twitter.com/communalsauce) Outer Siberia (twitter.com/OuterSiberia) and Rosa

North Bae 011 - All This Muck and Too Few Rakes
Local comrades and reporters Kate Maxwell and Adrian Fernandez-Baumann from The Mendocino Voice sit down with Tiberius for part one of two episodes on local journalism and leftism. This week examines the news from an insider's perspective.Follow t...

North Bae 010 - An Introductory Course on Prison Liberation
Comrade Tiberius rides solo to catch up with James and fellow worker Ruth from the Kansas City IWW to discuss anti-prison activism and their current campaign to get adequate feminine hygiene supplies for those caged by the state. (Tiberius' record...

Marx's Headroom 001 - Introduction and Critique of the Gotha Program
First up in our new Marxism study group show, we've got comrades Sibby (twitter.com/OuterSiberia), TIberius (twitter.com/chekainformant), Rosa (twitter.com/empress_trixana), and El Pope (twitter.com/antifa_pope) reading and discussing Marx's Criti...

North Bae 009 - Ciao Paulo!
North Bae: The Internationale Edition featuring hosts Tiberius and Sauce interviewing Lorena (twitter.com/godeepORgohome) about Brazilian politics and international solidarity between the imperial core and the global south.

North Bae 007 - The Southern Socialists Shall Rise Again
To start 2018 off right, comrades Sauce and Tiberius talk about coastal elites and organizing in the south with Gene and Alex from the Kudzu Commune podcast. Also there's grits.Check them out, rate, and review over on itunes: https://itunes.apple....

North Bae 006 - Sociocracy and You
Just comrade Tiberius for this one, but a very important discussion about what sociocracy is and why it's important for us as radical and even reformist socialist with Jennifer Rau of sociocracyforall.orgRead about the local democracy project in K...

North Bae 005 - A Discourse on Antifascism and Violence
The lovely Tina Philips joins comrades Tiberius and Sauce to discuss a left critique of antifa and the role violence plays in self-defense. Read her article about it on medium https://medium.com/@tinaphillips_57522/a-socialist-critique-of-the-anti...